What is the production process of modern armored cars?

Modern technologies allow you to install armor on almost any car. This turns it into a reliable, safe vehicle, invulnerable to assassination attempts with firearms and explosives.

The production process may depend on the specific vehicle, but in general, armoring is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, the interior is disassembled: the panels, wiring, seats, covering, mats and other elements are removed. This is necessary to access the places where the protection will be installed.

Next, the doors and other hollow elements are cut so that they can be fitted with armor protection parts, such as steel sheets, or combinations of ballistic nylon with Kevlar (similar material is used in body armor). If necessary, doors which became heavier are equipped with additional hinges. The floor and ceiling are usually covered with ballistic fabric..

Reinforced bumpers and additional protection are placed on the radiator — this allows the armored vehicle to break through roadblocks and other similar obstacles without damaging the cooling system.

The regular windows are replaced with bulletproof ones, while strengthening or replacing the mechanisms of the window lifters.

Protection is installed on the engine compartment, fuel tank, and other important units and elements of the car. The suspension and transmission are being adapted, since after armoring the car, the load on them increases sharply. If necessary, the power unit is upgraded or replaced — if its power is not enough for a heavier car.

A special detail is the protection of the wheels. Special bandages are installed on them, user get an opportunity to drive even with damaged tires and low pressure in them.

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+7 (831) 298-62-03 sales@armor-gr.ru
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  2. Нет сертификатов, подтверждающих пулестойкость и взрывостойкость автомобилей!

    Качество бронирования подтверждается исключительно словами менеджеров!

  3. Нет Одобрения Типа Транспортного Средства, позволяющего регистрировать бронеавтомобиль в органах ГИБДД и эксплуатировать его на дорогах общего пользования на законных основаниях.
  4. Компания -«псевдобронировщик с богатым опытом»-отсутствует в реестре производителей бронеавтомобилей Минпромторга!
  5. Реализация подобных автомобилей с 1 июля 2017 года станет невозможной, из-за введения электронных паспортов.