What is the difference between Russian armored cars and foreign ones?

Armoring of executive cars for businessmen and VIPs will not surprise anyone today. There are many companies in the world that provide such services.

What is the difference between Russian armored cars and foreign ones

There are two types of armoring: factory and post-factory. In the first case, all work is carried out at the assembly stage, the strength of the car is laid in the production process. Such major foreign automakers as Mercedes and BMW specialize in this sphere. The output is a high-quality, but very expensive vehicle.

However, even Mercedes conveyor cars do not have a sufficient degree of flexibility in terms of taking into account all the wishes of the customer. In addition, such cars are very complex and expensive to repair, delivery and customs clearance.

Another thing is the post—factory armoring. In these sphere, Russian firms provide services that in many respects are not inferior to foreign ones. In addition, domestic companies will be able to equip the car with protection from Russian weapons (AK, AKM and SVD) at a much lower cost. Nowadays in Russia, there are experienced companies that are able to compete with foreign enterprises in the field of high-quality armoring using the “armored capsule” technology.

Ultimately, the choice is up to the buyer.

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Завод "АрморГрупп"
проспект Молодежный, 82 603041 Нижний Новгород, Россия
+7 (831) 298-62-03 sales@armor-gr.ru
Компания АрморГрупп предупреждает - на рынке производителей бронеавтомобилей появились мошенники:
  1. Предлагают низкую цену за бронирование автомобилей при полном отсутствии документации!
  2. Нет сертификатов, подтверждающих пулестойкость и взрывостойкость автомобилей!

    Качество бронирования подтверждается исключительно словами менеджеров!

  3. Нет Одобрения Типа Транспортного Средства, позволяющего регистрировать бронеавтомобиль в органах ГИБДД и эксплуатировать его на дорогах общего пользования на законных основаниях.
  4. Компания -«псевдобронировщик с богатым опытом»-отсутствует в реестре производителей бронеавтомобилей Минпромторга!
  5. Реализация подобных автомобилей с 1 июля 2017 года станет невозможной, из-за введения электронных паспортов.